Thursday, November 27, 2008

Take Action - follow-up from our Sex Ed Summit (11/22)

Hi Everyone,

Thanks to everyone who came out to our Sex Ed Policy summit last Friday - we had a great turnout and an informative event with speakers from Planned Parenthood here in Vegas and from Advocates For Youth ( in Washington, D.C!.

We talked about common myths about sex that we hear in high school, learned about comprehensive sexuality education vs. abstinence-only-until-marriage programs, and came up with a plan to get Clark County's attention! We deserve medically-accurate information about our bodies, and we're going to make sure our legislators and school board directors know we want it!

Watch out for an email regarding our next summit (January 17th!) and follow-up plans from the Summit. Hope to see you all in January!

~Erin M.

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